Sunday, November 6, 2011


This weekend was fairly...boring. Friday I worked pretty much all night (yuck). Saturday morning I woke up super early (like 7:30 early, which for a weekend is too early), and my friend Elise picked me up to go to a tack sale. For those who have no idea what a tack sale is, and think it maybe has to do with those pointy things you stick on a bulletin board, you're really off. It's horse "equiptment" so to speak, and the sale was packed! It began at 11:00, but of course it had to be like an hour away (in my opinion, it wasn't worth the gas to get there because I didn't really find much). We arrived at around 10:15, and the line waiting for the doors to open was already out the door and down the block.  Everyone was shoving eachother, kinda like the halls at WHS, so you have to make sure you get there early. All the good stuff goes fast! I ran around frantically for about half an hour, not finding much so instead I stocked up on Christmas presents for our secret Santa gift exchange at the barn. I got back home around 12:30 and then I had to go to work...again. I got off work at 5:30 and then went out to dinner with friends and then watched Paranormal Activity (I didn't find this movie scary at all...and for anybody that knows me well I get scared super easily! When we're playing hide and seek and someone startles me it takes me awhile to recover I get so scared). Sunday morning I had to get up at, yup you guessed it, 7:30...for work. I worked until 1:30 and then I got home and was so lazy and exhausted I just made an omelette and watched A Walk To Remember on Lifetime Network. I didn't cry, but I normally would have if I wasn't half asleep. Oh dang, I have an AP Comp test tomorrow, and a busy week to come. I just...can't...wait (no hint of sarcasm).

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