Friday, November 25, 2011

Rhetorical Modes

1. Boredom is to make weary by being dull or uninterested in one's current activities. The feeling of boredom sometimes arises from not being interested in current activities. However, often when one is bored, it is because they are simply not doing anything at all. Therefore, boredom is not enjoying what you are currently doing, but more often it means that you are doing nothing, and although you are unhappy with doing nothing, you cannot find anything to do.

2. Tiresomeness is often a synonym to boredom, however boredom often results from lack of interest and not finding an activity exciting enough or worth doing. Tiresome activities at times can be boring, if the activity is repetitive and tedious, therefore boring. However, not all tiresome activities are boring. In fact, most activities that involve a lot of thinking or manual labor are tiresome, but often not bored. Tiresomeness and boredom are often linked because when you are bored, you may feel the lack of energy to get yourself out of the slump of boredom you are in.

3. Boredom is caused by lack of finding an interesting, enjoyable activity. Humans like to be doing something all the time, moving a million miles a minute. People find it hard to sit still because of the busy lives they have created for themselves. Being busy has become a habit and a lifestyle, making it hard to enjoy the feeling of being calm because they are not used to having nothing to do. When we have time to sit and rest because we do not have a million things to be doing, we take this as being bored.

4. You are sitting in the car, scrunched in the back seat with nothing in sight but open road and bland looking scenery. Your mom's classical music is quietly playing from the radio. You do not feel like doing your homework because your brain feels exhausted but your body does not feel tired. There is nothing to snack on, which we often do in place of finding something to actually do. Although you are doing nothing, your brain is weary. You are bored.

5. Everyone has had a point in their life when they are bored. Nothing to do but are often too tired from being bored to actually do something about it. There is a simple solution to fix the boredom slump so many of us are in. Boredom is caused by not having something to do. If we program our bodies to not have something to do more often, they we will be forced to sit still or be creative and make something to do. When we are loaded down with things to do, we do not feel bored. However, the best way to go about fixing the problem is to never be super busy, but instead constantly have small things to keep you busy throughout the day.

6. I had been in the car for over twelve hours straight and my brain was unfortunately not in the right mindset to do homework. I had already blazed through every decent movie we had already packed, and had probably consumed a whole day's worth of food just in snacks. I rested my head on my hand and stared blankly through the window at nothing. We were about halfway to our destination, but for how sore my butt was I was hoping we were farther. I have been bored many times in my life, so it was easy to tell that I was, at that moment, undoubtedly bored.


Car in a Loft, So grin. said...

1. Definition
2. Compare and Contrast
3. Cause and Effect
4. Description
5. Argument/ persuasion
6. Narration

I think you did a great job on making it clear which rhetorical mode each one was! Plus they were fun to read!

Anonymous said...

1. Definition
2. Compare/contrast
3. Cause/effect
4. Description
5. Persuasion
6. Narrative