Sunday, September 18, 2011

I thought you were supposed to sleep on weekends!

                Unlike the rest of my blog, this post has nothing to do with AP Composition. I'm sure everyone is dying to know what I did this weekend, so I'll tell you. It was fairly hectic because I had a horse show. The minute I got home from school on Friday I packed my show stuff and my mom and I drove to Washington County Fairgounds. We took a little pit stop on the way at a tack shop to do some shopping for "horsie stuff" (I have realized lately it's almost as fun shopping for horse stuff as it is shopping for clothes, well kinda...). We arrived at the fairgounds at 4:30, and although I planned to do my practice ride right away some things didn't go according to plan, so I ended up riding from 5:30-6:30. After that we braided his mane (it makes him look all fancy!). We made sure he was all settled in for the night and then we left, arriving back home around 9:30. Saturday I woke up before 4 and we were at the fairgrounds at 5a.m. My first ride was at 7:15, then 7:45 and again at 3:45. I spent the time in between volunteering because I need hours for my Equestrian Club. Afterwords there was an awards ceremony, and I placed 4th in one thing and didn't place in another (I didn't expect to so I wasn't upset.) It was a fairly crazy weekend with the show, homework, going to the barn to clean all the stuff from the show and cleaning my room (that last one doesn't sound that time consuming but you obviously haven't seen my room). I'll try to post some pictures from the weekend (but don't get your hopes up I have no idea how to!)

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